


职 称: 讲师



2020年毕业于北京交通大学数学与统计学院,获理学博士学位;2020年8月至今在苏州科技大学数学系任教。美国数学会Mathematical Reviews评论员曾获江苏省高校数学基础课青年教师授课竞赛二等奖。




[1] S. Liu and L. Ji, Combinatorial constructions of optimal low-power error-correcting cooling codes, Des. Codes Cryptogr., 92 (2024), 2235--2252.

[2] S. Liu and L. Ji, Double multilevel constructions for constant dimension codes, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 69 (2023), 157--168.

[3] S. Liu, Optimal Ferrers diagram rank-metric codes from MRD codes, Des. Codes Cryptogr., 91 (2023), 3977--3993.

[4] S. Liu and L. Ji, Constant dimension codes from multilevel construction based on matchings of complete hypergraphs, Discrete Math., 346 (2023), 113477.

[5] L. Ji, S. Liu and Y. Yang, New infinite classes of 2-chromatic Steiner quadruple systems, J.Combin. Des., 30 (2022), 613--620.

[6] S. Yu, L. Ji, and S. Liu, Bilateral multilevel construction of constant dimension codes,

Adv. Math. Commun., 16 (2022), 1165--1183.

[7] S. Liu, Y. Chang and T. Feng, Parallel multilevel constructions for constant dimension codes, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 66 (2020), 6884--6897.

[8] S. Liu, Y. Chang and T. Feng, Constructions for optimal Ferrers diagram rank-metric codes, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 65 (2019), 4115--4130.

[9] S. Liu, Y. Chang and T. Feng, Several classes of optimal Ferrers diagram rank-metric codes, Linear Algebra Appl., 581 (2019), 128--144.

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