


职 称: 副教授

职 务: 统计系副系主任

电子邮箱: snowhubei@163.com







[2]Xue Liang*, A Markov Copula Model with Regime Switching and Its Application, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica,2016,32(1), 163-174.(SCI)

[3]Xue Liang*, Guojing Wang, Li,Hong, Pricing credit default swaps with bilateral counterparty risk in a reduced form model with Markov regime switching, Applied Mathematics and Computation,2014,230,290–302.(SCI)

[4]Xue Liang*, Yinghui Dong, A Markov Chain Copula Model for Credit Default Swaps with Bilateral Counterparty Risk. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods Methods,2014, 43,498–514.(SCI)

[5]Xue Liang*,Guojing Wang,Yinghui Dong, A Markov regime switching jump-diffusion model for the pricing of portfolio credit derivatives,Statistics and Probability Letters,2013,83(1):373-381(SCI)

[6]Xue Liang*, Guojing Wang, On a reduced form credit risk model with common shock and regime switching. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2012, 51, 567–575. (SCI)

[7] Yangyang Peng; Xiaolin Xu;Xue Liang; Weili Xue*,Mismatch Risk Allocation in a Coproduct Supply Chain, Annals of Operations Research,2018,accepted. (SCI)

[8]Yongfeng Wu*,Xue Liang,Vasicek model with mixed-exponential jumps and its applications in finance and insurance, Advances in Difference Equations, 2018,138,1-15. (SCI)

[9] Yinghui Dong*,Xue Liang,Decomposition of default probability under a structural credit risk model with jumps. 2012, 52(4): 369-384.(SCI)

[10] Yinghui Dong*,Xue Liang., Guojing Wang, Unilateral counterparty risk valuation for CDS under a regime switching interacting intensities model. Asia-Pacific Financial Markets ,2012,19:391–415.(SCI)

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